Industrial visit has its own importance in a career of a student who is pursuing a professional degree. It is considered as a part of college curriculum. The objective of an industrial visit is to provide us an insight regarding internal working of companies.
· Students have observe the production of Ketchup and jams which are going on the organisation during the visit.
· Sahyadri Team also provided the CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) activities knowledge to the student as there are around 300 students are currently taking training under it.
· Students get the knowlege about the Aseptic and Frozen methods used for the food preservations.
· There are around 3000 thousand seasonal employees are worked in the organisation. Student learned about, how the organisation manages the Organisational Behavior and Human Resources.
· The organisation does 250 metric tones of production per day. Also around 200 types of vegetables packeging are done in the organisation. They uses block chain method, QR Scanning in the packeging of food.